Channel: Claire Jones-Hughes – BrightonMums.com
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Our Top FREE Outdoor Spaces and Events in Brighton


The summer holidays are here and for some schools, adding inset days to the break, it’s almost 7 weeks long. So you go on holiday for a few, stick the kids in holiday for some other days (some of us still have to work) but how do you fill the other time? Weather permitting, we are lucky to have loads of outdoor spaces and events going on in the city and surrounding areas. We’ve compiled a list of places you may not have considered and most are free or low cost plus accessible by public transport. Just add a packed lunch or picnic for the ultimate budget staycation.

Parks and activity areas

The Chattri Memorial, Brighton

Queens ParkWalks and Trails, Brighton and Hove

Withdean Woods, Brighton

The Big Park, Peacehaven

Cycle The South Downs Link, Shoreham

UNESCO Biosphere locations, Biosphere.org’s Top 10 sites from Shoreham to Brighton to Saltdean

Geocaching, a list for tourists (but accessible difficulty levels for families).

Seven Sisters Country Park, Exceat nr. Seaford (buses)

Woods Mill, Henfield

Helpful Outdoors Fun Downloads and Apps

Make birdfinder binoculars

Grow a meadow at home grass nature meadow

Make your own nature journals

Do a nature scavenger hunt

Be a nature detective with the woodland trust

Top 10 apps to download for outdoor activities

Free events

swimming-821622_1920Free leisure Swimming, throughout the school holidays, King Alfred, Prince Regent and St. Luke’s. Kids under the age of 16 with a Brighton and Hove address swim free.

Useful links: Information and application form.

The Playbus August, Mon, Tues, Wed various dates and park locations in the city. It’s National Play Day on 3rd August, perfect for meeting up with friends and letting the kids explore together!

Useful links: Summer Fun booklet, Playbus schedule, getting to Brighton’s parks.

Active For Life Days Mondays and Wednesdays, various park locations in the city.

Useful links: Follow @SportActivityBH Getting to Brighton’s parks.

Eastbourne SeafrontEastbourne Airshow 11-14th August, 10am – 6pm daily

Useful links: Getting to the airshow, where to watch.

Drop-in sock puppet making workshop, 3rd August, Open Market 11am – 1pm

Useful links: Brighton Open Market

Bikeability cycle training, now till 2nd September ages 9+, various park locations in the city.

Useful links: Booking page.

Breeze Up To The South Downs National Park, (kids go free)

Useful links: Timetables, SDNPA Learning Zone.

Pocket Science Fair, 16th August, Moulsecoomb, 3rd September, Brighton (Synergy Centre)

Useful links: Brighton Science Facebook page

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Our community events calendar has a mixture of family and parent centric activities. After all, grown ups like to have fun too (without the kids)!

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